SSST - Small Signal Stability Toolbox

Resource description

The Small Signal Stability Toolbox (SSST) is a collection of Matlab functions for the analysis and control of small signal stability of power systems. SSST reflects the research efforts of researchers of Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica from 1984 to 2002. It also contains successful techniques developed by other groups.

The main functions of SSST are: load flow solution, output of load flow solution, linear model, eigenvalue analysis, output of the eigenvalue analysis, linear responses, reduced order eigenvalue analysis, sensitivities with respect to FACTS devices modulation, design of a single damping controller and coordinated design of multiple damping controllers.

SSST consists of a series of downloadable digital files, including a reference manual and a user manual. 

NB: these programs were originally written in December, 1993 for version 4.0 of Matlab. They have been revised for version 5.0  in October, 1997

Main link (restricted access)
Version nr : v2002.0.0        
License GNU GPL v3 (or alternative, to be negotiated with UP Comillas)
Asset Owner(s): Comillas (Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica)
Asset Authors: Prof. Luis Rouco et al.
Editor: CRESYM, Square de Meeûs 1000 Brussels (
Fees: Free of charge for non-commercial Use.

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