A shared understanding: energy systems are facing a fast-evolving environment with increasing complexity and uncertainty.

Our ambition
Unite to catalyse the development of
energy system modelling and simulation opensource bricks
in order to meet the energy transition challenge.
Our values
CRESYM is non-profit and acts transparently for the general interest, addressing new and/or complex, low TRL, technical challenges.
We reconcile security and IPRs when developping opensource deliverables. Opensource, non contaminating licences are key to ease the dissemination among operators, manufacturers and vendors in a fair, neutral manner.
We organise collaborative, efficient R&D works, with practical intermediary outputs. We build up on, as well as comfort, support and promote other existing opensource initiatives.
CRESYM is a member of LF Energy.
We are committed to protect privacy and promote diversity & gender equality.

Our action
- Commons: project results (or members’ software assets) maintained on the long run by CRESYM, preventing decay
- COLib: Collaborative Opensource Library of models
- CReDIT: Common Results, Data, Info & Tools
- DoNets: CRESYM’s internal doctoral networks complementary to the HE MSCA [Horizon Europe: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (europa.eu)] framework
Our governance
- The General Assembly validates the strategic orientations, budget and membership of CRESYM.
- The Board defines the long-term vision & position of CRESYM and supervises daily operation and budget.
- The Projects Committee organises the expert framework, sets up the common program and supervises every project.
- Every project is autonomous with a dedicated, standard MLA.
See CRESYM’s by-laws and internal rules.
Our main office holders are:
- Pr Antonello Monti, President
- Pr Peter Palensky, Vice-president
- Sebastien Lepy, General manager
They talk about us

Gabriel Bareux
R&D Director, RTE
"The energy transition is a worldwide tremendous transformation with many dimensions. There are many options in terms of energy carriers, technologies, new ones, old ones, … One of the key factor to succeed is the ability to model and simulate these different options in terms of efficiency, affordability, resilience, ease of deployment, ... CRESYM will help everyone to choose the best ones. "

Dr Philipp Strauss
Deputy Director, Fraunhofer IEE
"The open source approach for high quality power system modelling and simulation of CRESYM will support good scientific practice and will allow more transparent grid planning procedures. This initiative has the potential to considerably contribute to a faster transition to a sustainable energy supply."

Dr. Peter Hoffmann
Energy System Planning, Associate Director, TenneT
"CRESYM is a valuable initiative and the intended open source approach will facilitate the execution of collaborative studies and result reproduction in the future."