Resource description


A DoNet is structured around:

  • An access to a common training offer (from all involved academic institutions);
  • An access to common dissemination resources… by CRESYM;
    • web presence (1 website/project, 1 web-page/topic);
    • event organisation (peer/public workshops, EU SEW, cresROADs, advertisement, etc.);
    • workspace (github, MS Teams, etc.)
    • communication: branding (logo, name), newsletter & social media, dissemination to industrial partners, cresCENDO events, EU SEW, etc.
  • Team work (e.g. shared literature exploration, journal papers, etc.);
  • A monthly gathering, i.e. 1 joint 2-hour telco, with 1-2 items on agenda (either an invited industrial or academic speaker, or a peer-review) and whose schedule is managed by 2 PhD students (on a rotating basis, per quarter);
  • Every semester, 1 joint 2-day workshop, including 1 industrial visit from partner industrial organisations, each time at a different location in western Europe; plus 1 day training (see infra) or common works. (Such workshop can be associated to other events, such as cresROADs)
  • Other exchanges, in order to match the researcher needs (e.g. secondments, 6-month swap between 2 PhD-students to experience another institution).

A DoNet matches as much as possible the Horizon Europe MSCA standards & goals, i.e.

  • improve opportunities for i/ networking, emulation; ii/ training, education; iii/ more efficient dissemination, impact;
  • be as transverse as possible (international, transdisciplinary, cross-sector, cross-projects, with multiple partners, both academic and industrial);
  • ease the recruitment by industry of highly-skilled people.


For PhD students:

  • Peer-networking, team work, joint papers;
  • Larger training & education opportunities;
  • Multiple contacts with industry & recruitment opportunities;
  • Class-spirit.

For academic partners:

  • Higher attractivity and hence higher selectivity when recruiting PhD students;
  • Easy international & industrial partnerships;
  • Logistical support for dissemination and industry visit organisation;
  • References to apply for Horizon Europe MSCA (& other) calls.

For industry partners:

  • Tested PhD students before recruitment;
  • Shared/easier effort to patronise PhD students;
  • Sponsoring a DoNet is a reference to apply for Horizon Europe MSCA (& other) calls.

For EC/DG Research

  • Leverage of the HE MSCA doctoral networks with private money;
  • Incentivisation of R&I efforts overall in the energy sector.