Event Date
October 6, 2025
Event Time
3:30 pm CEST
Event Location
Mitwit (4th floor)
Building upon the success of the previous session in February 2024 and January 2025, CRESYM offers a third, upgraded edition of the course on Power system dynamics, control and stability, in the same spirit: a practical workshop, with deep participation of the attendees, and opportunities to raise questions.
Training course title | Power system dynamics, control and stability:hands-on workshop based on case studies |
Instructor | Prof. Thierry Van Cutsem
Consultant and adviser, previously Research Director FNRS and adjunct professor at University of Liège, Belgium |
Target audience | Young engineers, junior researchers, more advanced engineers who wish to strengthen their knowledge |
Prerequisites | Basic knowledge of power systems (operation principles, components, etc.) |
Date and duration | October 7 & 8, 2025
14 hours: 9:00-17:30 & 08:30-16:30 In addition, trainees are welcome to attend an additional two-hour training session on “signal processing & metering” taught by Mr. Patrick Panciatici from 16:00 to 18:00 on October 6, 2025 |
Number of attendees | Maximum 12 (possibly from diverse companies or academia) in order to foster interactions between the instructor and audience |
Location | Brussels, Belgium. Exact place to be announced later on |
IT | Each attendee must bring his/her own laptop with the STEPSS software pre-installed (easy procedure) |
Language | English |
Program / description | This course illustrates various notions of power system dynamics, control, and stability through case studies of simple test systems. First, the modelling of the system is presented in detail. Then, the attendees perform various simulations using STEPSS. Simulation results will be discussed together. Additional slides summarise the notions and generalise to real-life systems. The course focuses on describing phenomena pertaining to angle, frequency, and voltage dynamics.
Other objectives are: to interpret the results of dynamic simulations, to cross-check those simulations as far as possible with basic notions such as droop, phasor diagrams, control scheme, etc. The course deals with a 5-bus test system with classical components, then with extensions to somewhat more involved systems (including more generators, voltage source converters, etc.) |
Logistics | Lecture notes, refreshment and lunches will be provided.
Travel & accommodation expenses will not be included but the attendees are invited to attend the diner offered by CRESYM on Monday February 24 evening. All details about the venue, the procedure to install STEPSS and advice for accommodation will be provided prior the scheduled date |
Price | 500 €/attendee for CRESYM members
900 €/attendee for other organisations |
Contact | CRESYM (Square de Meeûs, 38-40 B-1000 Brussels BELGIUM) |