
Dynaωo is an hybrid C++/Modelica complete and coherent open source suite of simulation tools for power systems, aiming at ease collaboration and cooperation in the power system community.

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DP Sim

DPsim is a real-time capable power system simulator that supports dynamic phasor and electromagnetic transient simulation as well as continuous powerflow. It primarily targets large-scale scenarios on commercial off-the-sheld hardware that require deterministic time steps in the range of micro- to milliseconds.

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SSST – Small Signal Stability Toolbox

The Small Signal Stability Toolbox (SSST) is a collection of Matlab functions for the analysis and control of small signal stability of power systems: load flow solution, output of load flow solution, linear model, eigenvalue analysis, output of the eigenvalue analysis, linear responses, reduced order eigenvalue analysis, sensitivities with respect to FACTS devices modulation, design of a single damping controller and coordinated design of multiple damping controllers.

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